Tag Archive for: independent seniors

Online Safety for Seniors: Protect Yourself from Scams and Online Threats

In today’s digital world, seniors are more connected than ever before, but with this comes the risk of online scams and threats. It’s important for older adults to know common ways they are targeted by scammers so they can protect their information.

The Importance of Online Awareness

Staying informed about possible online dangers is important for online safely. By understanding how scammers work, older adults can protect themselves and their loved ones from falling victim to fraud and schemes.

Features and Benefits of Online Safety Awareness

  • Increased Security: Being aware of common online scams helps your ability to see and avoid potential threats, keeping your personal information secure.
  • Peace of Mind: By prepared with knowledge about online safety, you can browse the internet with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you are protected.
  • Empowerment: Understanding common online scams helps you control your online profile and make informed decisions when being online.

Common Online Scams Targeting Seniors

Seniors are often targeted by scammers because they feel that they are more likely to fall for their tricks. It is really important to recognize and avoid common online scams. Here are some common scams to watch out for:

  • Phishing Emails: Scammers send emails pretending to be from companies you know or interact with, asking you to click on bad links or provide personal information.
  • Tech Support Scams: Fraudsters act like tech support representatives, claiming your computer has a virus and requesting remote access or payment for fake services.
  • Romance Scams: Criminals develop online relationships with seniors to manipulate them emotionally and financially, often requesting money or gifts.
  • Lottery or Sweepstakes Scams: Scammers inform seniors they’ve won a lottery or sweepstake, asking for payment or personal details to claim the prize.
  • Fake Charities: Fraudulent charities target seniors with heart-wrenching stories, soliciting donations that never reach those in need.

Tips for Protecting Yourself Online

Protect yourself against online scams and fraud, by following these common tips:

  • Verify Sender Information: Be very careful of emails you did not begin and verify the sender’s identity before clicking any links.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal Information: Do not share sensitive information online unless you fully trust the source.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest online scams and learn about how to recognize and report fraudulent activity.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Create difficult passwords for your online accounts and turn on two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Seek Assistance: Be sure to ask for help from trusted family members or friends if you come across suspicious online behavior.

By staying aware of online dangers and being informed, seniors can enjoy the benefits of the internet while lowering the risks associated with online threats. Remember, knowledge is your best defense against cybercrime.

It’s your life. Live it your way.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. To see if you qualify, visit: welbehealth.com/contact

Exercise Tips for Arthritis Relief in Seniors

Arthritis can cause achy joints, especially as we get older. But did you know that doing exercises can actually help with the pain? Discover easy exercises for arthritis relief in seniors that can make your body stronger and lessen arthritis pain. These exercises are gentle and aimed at keeping you healthy and happy.

Why Exercise Matters for Arthritis Relief

  • Stay Limber: Exercises can help you move your joints more freely, making everyday tasks easier and reduce stiffness.
  • Build Strength: Strengthening your muscles can improve your balance and stability, lowering the risk of falls.
  • Pain Relief: Exercise triggers the release of natural painkillers in your body that might help with arthritis pain.

Enjoyable Exercises for Arthritis Management

1. Walking or Swimming

  • Both walking and swimming are low-impact activities that help reduce joint stress while increasing cardiovascular fitness, which help with arthritis.
    • Take easy walks or swim in a pool to exercise without straining your joints.

2. Light Resistance Training

  • Use light weights or resistance bands to enhance muscle strength without stressing your joints.
  • Focus on exercises targeting various muscle groups to support joint function and mobility.

3. Gentle Stretching Routine

  • Stretching exercises can improve joint flexibility and reduce stiffness in arthritic areas.
  • Include stretches for your arms, legs, back, and neck to maintain flexibility and prevent further joint issues.

Getting Started with Exercise

  • Start Slowly: Begin with short sessions of 10-15 minutes and slowly increase the time as you feel more comfortable.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain during an exercise, stop and talk to a healthcare provider. It’s important to exercise within your limits.
  • Consistency is Key: Try to do a mix of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises regularly to get the benefits of physical activity.

For additional guidance on creating an exercise plan made to your needs, think about consulting with a healthcare professional or a provider specializing in senior care.

Remember, senior arthritis exercise can significantly improve your symptoms and overall quality of life. With the right approach and commitment, you can lead a fulfilling and active lifestyle despite arthritis challenges.

Discover exceptional senior care with WelbeHealth! Our comprehensive resources and tailored services, including the innovative PACE program, are designed to support older adults in maintaining their well-being. Explore how we can help today!

Fall Prevention

Falls are one of the common caused of injuries among seniors, and preventing them is a big aspect in having a high quality of life as we age. Here we offer five tips to reduce the risk of falls for seniors, empowering them to live safely and independently. Remember, fall prevention is about taking future steps today to ensure a healthier tomorrow.

1. Home Safety Check

Perform regular safety checks to minimize fall risk in the home. Things to consider include:

  • Make sure you have clear pathways free from clutter.
  • Securing carpets to the floor and removing throw rugs.
  • Installing grab bars and handrails in key areas such as bathrooms and stairwells.

By setting up your home to suit you, you can lower the risk of accidentally falling.

2. Regular Physical Activity

Doing exercises that focus on strength and balance can greatly improve stability and reduce the risk of falls. Consider activities like:

  • Walking
  • Tai Chi
  • Gentle yoga

Talk to your healthcare provider to create a customized exercise program that’s right for you.

3. Vision and Hearing Checks

Both vision and hearing add to balance and spatial awareness. To help prevent falls:

  • Have regular check-ups for glasses or contact lens prescriptions.
  • Make sure your hearing aids are correctly adjusted.

Staying current with these health checks is key in keeping your balance in check.

4. Medication Management

Some medications can affect balance and increase the risk of falling. It’s important to:

  • Review medications regularly with a doctor or pharmacist.
  • Be mindful of any side effects that could impact your stability.

Knowing what affects your medications have on your balance can help you stay steady on your feet.

5. Practical Footwear

Proper footwear is a must for stability. When choosing shoes, look for:

  • Non-skid soles
  • Adequate support
  • A correct fit

Avoid walking in just socks, as this can increase the risk of slipping.

By adding these tips into your daily routine, you can create a safer living environment and reduce the risk of falls. Remember, prevention is the best protection, and making small changes can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being. Want to learn more about other resources? Check out our other blog posts for more advice and recipes.

It’s your life. Live it your way.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. To see if you qualify, visit: welbehealth.com/contact

Understanding Thyroid Health for Seniors

Our thyroid health is a pivotal factor in our overall well-being. By following these tips and maintaining regular communication with your doctor, you can support a healthy thyroid even as you age.

WelbeHealth Opens Bay Area PACE Center Serving Vulnerable Seniors

Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the need for integrated health services in Santa Clara County and southern Alameda County, a diverse community with thousands of PACE eligible seniors.

New center extends WelbeHealth’s collaboration with Sutter Health to underserved communities in San Jose and surrounding areas

See photos of WelbeHealth’s new San Jose PACE center here

Today, the physician-led senior health services provider WelbeHealth, in partnership with Northern California-based health care system Sutter Health, announced the opening of a new Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) center in San Jose. The new center will provide essential health care and wrap-around services to diverse low-income older adults. WelbeHealth San Jose is now enrolling new participants, with services set to begin January 1, 2024.

WelbeHealth San Jose Center Physical Therapy Room
WelbeHealth San Jose Center Physical Therapy Room
WelbeHealth San Jose Center Living and Social Room
WelbeHealth San Jose Center Living and Social Room

“We are excited to work with our Sutter Health partners to serve the most vulnerable seniors with better quality and compassion in the San Jose area,” said Si France, MD, CEO at WelbeHealth. “Through this expansion, we are ensuring that matriarchs and patriarchs can age in place and thrive in their communities.”

Sutter Health is one of the largest health systems serving Northern California’s Medi-Cal eligible population and has partnered with WelbeHealth to improve healthcare for underserved seniors.

“WelbeHealth provides nursing-home eligible seniors with the wrap-around services they need to remain safely at home in our communities,” said Kevin Cook, Greater Silicon Valley Market President at Sutter Health. “San Jose is home to a rapidly growing aging population that will benefit from greater access to PACE.”

Over 4,000 PACE eligible seniors reside within 15 miles of the San Jose location, and the population of these seniors is anticipated to increase. The California Department of Aging forecasts that Santa Clara County’s senior population will surge by over 200% by 2060, while Alameda County’s senior population is expected to increase by 150% by the same year.

“Many seniors in San Jose have been left out of the region’s broader economic growth. It’s difficult for low-income older adults to make ends meet and get the care they need amidst high rent, home care labor shortages and stretched family caregivers. WelbeHealth and Sutter Health are committed to delivering the PACE model, ensuring vulnerable seniors are not left behind,” said Vaneesh Soni, MD, Chief Growth Officer at WelbeHealth.

PACE is a proven, high-quality, cost-effective solution to address the care gaps left by the underfunded and patchwork system for long-term care in San Jose and across the United States by delivering comprehensive health and supportive services for seniors. The price for long-term care is expected to reach half a trillion dollars a year by 2030, yet the current infrastructure cannot support this growth and the United States lags behind most other wealthy countries in long-term care investment. PACE is one obvious solution because it delivers better health outcomes at a lower cost.

WelbeHealth is committed to addressing the long-term healthcare crisis for low-income seniors through PACE expansion. In addition to San Jose, WelbeHealth operates programs across California, including Modesto, Stockton, Fresno, Pasadena, Long Beach, North Hollywood, and Rosemead. All locations deliver fully integrated care, allowing frail seniors to age in place with the support of interdisciplinary teams, including doctors and nurses, physical therapists, home care aides, and social workers. Wrap-around support like meals, social activities, and transportation address social determinants of health.

About WelbeHealth
WelbeHealth is a physician-led public benefit company founded in 2015 that provides comprehensive health care services for seniors through a fully integrated program that includes all medical and dental care, physical and occupational therapy, transportation to medical appointments, meals, and personal care services. WelbeHealth addresses social determinants of health to keep the most vulnerable seniors living safely in their own homes. Services are delivered through the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), a national Medicare and Medicaid program.

About Sutter Health
Sutter Health’s integrated, not-for-profit system of associated clinicians, employees and volunteers supports more than 3 million patients in diverse communities across two dozen counties. Headquartered in Northern California, Sutter provides access to high-quality, affordable care through its hospitals, medical foundations, ambulatory surgery centers, urgent and walk-in care centers, telehealth, home health and hospice services. As part of its commitment to improving community health, Sutter invested $899 million in the community in 2022 – this amount includes traditional charity, the unreimbursed costs of providing care to Medi-Cal patients and investments in community health programs.

For more information, please visit welbehealth.com and sutterhealth.org


Nate Goehring, welbehealth@berlinrosen.com
Angharad Bhardwaj, Angharad.Bhardwaj@welbehealth.com

CBS LA Morning Mix – WelbeHealth

depressed senior on bench

How to Ask for Help With Depression: A Guide for Seniors

Living with depression can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. This is how to ask for help with depression.

Are you experiencing a loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy? Do you have feelings of sadness and hopelessness or difficulty sleeping? If so, you may be struggling with depression.

As we get older, life can become more lonely and it may leave you feeling lost.

Living with this disorder can be challenging, especially if you don’t know how to ask for help with depression. You might feel it’s not worth reaching out to someone.

If this describes you in any way, keep reading. This article discusses depression, the symptoms, and how to ask for help so you don’t have to feel this way any longer.

What Is Depression?

Depression, also called depressive disorder, is a mental disorder. It’s common and is characterized by an all-encompassing sadness or negative view of life. Depression affects how you think and act, leading to various emotional and physical problems that interfere with daily functioning.

Depression can occur at any age; however, it begins more commonly as an adult. There are several types of depression, such as:

Signs of Depression

Depression can present differently from person to person. Typically, symptoms include:

  • Feelings of sadness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in weight
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Excess fatigue
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of suicide or suicide ideation

How to Ask for Help With Depression

Depression as a senior is manageable if you seek treatment. A medical professional will typically prescribe an antidepressant and possibly a mood stabilizer. If you’re unsure of how to ask for help with depression, there are a few things you can try.

Find a Trusted Person

Identify a trusted person with whom you can confide in. This can be a family member, friend, pastor, etc. 

Be Open and Honest

When you sit down and chat with a trusted person, you must be open and honest about your feelings. Ask them if they’re willing to help you through this difficult time.

Seek Professional Depression Treatment

If you need help seeking professional help, ask someone you trust to help find a professional or accompany you to one. A professional will have the necessary experience to help.

Help Is Around the Corner

Living with depression can be challenging as a senior, but it’s not something you have to battle alone. If you’re unsure how to ask for help with depression, ask someone you trust if they’re willing to listen.

You want to choose the right time to ask, and when they accept, be honest with how you feel. Professional help is strongly recommended wherever possible to assist with medications if necessary.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. Many of our centers have support groups available to help you through your difficult times. To learn more visit: www.welbehealth.com/contact/

Stay Safe in the Sun – A Guide for Seniors

As the summer heat approaches, everyone loves to head outside and enjoy the outdoors after months of being cooped up indoors. However, the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays can cause serious skin damage and lead to different types of skin cancer. For seniors, sun safety is essential to avoid skin damage and protect themselves from excessive heat. Let’s discuss some important tips and tricks on how seniors can stay safe in the sun.

  1. Wear Sun-Protective Clothing
    One of the easiest ways for seniors to stay safe in the sun is to wear sun-protective clothing. This includes wearing long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and other clothing that will keep your skin protected from the sun. Look for fabrics that are lightweight, moisture-wicking, and provide UV protection. Opt for clothes that cover your arms and legs as much as possible to minimize sun exposure.
  1. Apply Sunscreen Regularly
    Sunscreen is a must regardless of age. Seniors should choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen liberally at least 30 minutes before you go outside and reapply it every two hours or more often if you sweat or swim. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your ears, back of the neck, hands, and feet. These areas are often overlooked but can be severely affected by harmful UV rays.
  1. Avoid Peak Sun Hours
    Typically, the sun’s UV rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Seniors should avoid being outside during these peak hours or plan outdoor activities early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the sun’s rays are less intense. Even on cloudy or overcast days, it’s essential to stay cautious and wear sun-protective clothing and sunscreen.
  1. Stay Hydrated
    Staying hydrated is essential in the summer heat, especially for seniors. Make sure to drink plenty of water even if you don’t feel thirsty. Carry a water bottle with you at all times when you’re outside and avoid sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks. Dehydration can quickly set in, making you feel dizzy or nauseous, and can lead to heat exhaustion.
  1. Seek Shade and Cool Off
    Lastly, if you start to feel overheated or uncomfortable in the sun, it’s important to seek shade and cool off. Find a shady spot under a tree or bring a parasol or umbrella with you. Take breaks regularly, go indoors to an air-conditioned room, or take a dip in the pool or ocean to cool off.

Sun safety is essential for seniors, and following these tips can help keep them safe and protected when enjoying the outdoors. Wearing sun-protective clothing, applying sunscreen, avoiding peak sun hours, staying hydrated, and seeking shade are all simple and easy ways to avoid harmful UV rays. Being proactive about sun safety can help seniors reduce their risk of skin damage and keep them healthy and happy all summer long.

Seniors deserve to have access to the greatest care possible. Learn more about PACE so you can improve the quality of your life.

person getting eye care

The Importance of Regular Eye Care

The secrets that an eye exam can unlock

Making regular eye care a priority can be life-changing. Eleven million Americans need help with their vision, and technology has improved drastically in recent years. Eye exams can prevent trouble by alerting your doctor to health conditions you didn’t know you had and prevent vision loss. The typical eye exam is fast, simple, and pain-free.

What is a basic eye exam?

Just by taking a few simple eye images, a doctor can get an early glimpse of eye diseases and use treatments to preserve your vision or restore what you may have already lost. The first step is usually a dilated eye exam given by an optometrist. The test measures eye alignment, eye movement, visual sharpness, and depth perception. New technology offers an alternative to dilated eye exams. Sometimes, a doctor will snap a simple picture of your pupil, allowing them to see as far inside as they need without eye drops.

“Eye exams can also highlight other health issues. If we can see trouble coming, we can treat it faster and get ahead of it,” says Otashe Golden, MD, Regional Medical Director at WelbeHealth.

Many people, when they try on a new pair of glasses, suddenly see clearly and realize how out of focus the world had become. “Most of us have experienced it – and it can be scary,” says Dr. Golden. “One day you can read street signs perfectly well, and the next, you are driving on the highway at night and can’t find your exit.”

Many eye diseases are relatively common and can go unnoticed for a long time, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration.

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults

Diabetes patients are at higher risk for glaucoma and cataracts. Diabetic retinopathy — scarring on the retina’s blood vessels — can happen due to high blood sugar levels and is the leading cause of blindness in American adults. Diabetic retinopathy is also the most preventable cause of blindness. By seeing an eye doctor, early detection and treatment can prevent or delay blindness. For most people with diabetes, there can be very little treatment available if the diagnosis comes too late.

How often do you need an eye exam?

How often should you get an eye exam depends on certain factors. For people with diabetes, it is recommended to get an eye exam every year. On the other hand, individuals who are African American and aged 40 years and older, Mexican Americans who are 60 years or older, and those with a family history of glaucoma should have an eye exam at least every two years.

Get Ways to Protect Your Vision

  • Get regular eye exams.
  • Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Wear sunglasses that block out 99% to 100% of UA and UVB sunlight.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Use protective eyewear to avoid injury.
  • If you are reading on a screen, be sure to take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest.

Pay attention to symptoms of eye trouble.

Call your family doctor, nurse, or eye doctor if you notice eye symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty seeing or double vision
  • Redness of the eye or pain in the eye
  • Flashes of light
  • Floaters (specks look like they float in front of you)
  • Circles/halos around lights
WelbeHealth center in Modesto

WelbeHealth Modesto Center Opens to Serve Medically Frail Seniors

Physician-led healthcare organization WelbeHealth and Northern California-based healthcare network Sutter Health have opened a new center in Modesto that serves medically frail seniors.

Located at 1224 Scenic Drive, the center is designated a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) alternative care setting. Integrated with WelbeHealth and Sutter’s PACE center in Stockton, the new Modesto location provides day services to PACE-eligible medically frail seniors age 55 and over. The center, which will employ more than 100 full- and part-time employees when at capacity, features:

  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Personal care and supportive services
  • Meals and nutritional counseling
  • Recreational therapy
  • Access to in-home care and mobile clinic

The new Modesto center addresses a community need, since only a fraction of the over 3,000 PACE-eligible seniors in Stanislaus county are receiving PACE services, according to a WelbeHealth analysis of U.S. Census data and the Medi-Cal Managed Care Enrollment Report.

“WelbeHealth was built on the mission of serving our most vulnerable seniors with greater quality and compassion in underserved communities,” said WelbeHealth CEO Si France, M.D. “As the first provider of PACE services in Modesto since 2019, we are proud to complement our care with a beautiful facility.”

PACE is a national Medicare and Medicaid program that helps keep seniors living in their own homes instead of nursing homes. PACE programs are proven to reduce depression, lower hospitalizations, decrease rehospitalizations, reduce nursing home admissions and improve preventive care, according to recent data from the National PACE Association.

“We are proud to partner with WelbeHealth to enrich the lives of seniors, their caregivers and the broader community,” said Christopher Stanley, M.D., Sutter Health’s chief population health officer. “WelbeHealth shares our commitment to high-quality, community-based healthcare services that help frail older adults anticipate problems and prevent hospitalization or early entry into a nursing home.”

Todd Smith, M.D., foundation area CEO for Sutter Health in the South Valley, said that the importance of good health for aging seniors can’t be underestimated.

“Creating greater access to comprehensive home and community-based healthcare services helps seniors achieve their best health and maintain their independence,” Dr. Smith said.

In addition to the new Modesto center, WelbeHealth has locations in Stockton, Pasadena, Long Beach and Fresno. More than 1,500 seniors were served in 2021. Sutter Health is a not-for-profit integrated health network that serves more than 3 million people in 22 California counties.


Jennifer Wezensky