Tag Archive for: PACE

Tips to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for overall health, especially as we age. Older adults can benefit from tips to make sure they drink enough water daily. Here are some simple ways to help seniors maintain proper hydration levels:

Importance of Hydration

Proper hydration is important for seniors to maintain good health and well-being. Dehydration can lead to many health issues, including urinary tract infections (UTIs), confusion, and even a trip to the hospital. By following these hydration tips, seniors can feel their best and stay healthy.

Features of Proper Hydration

  • Increased Energy: Staying hydrated helps boost energy levels and fight being tired.
  • Better Brain Activity: Proper hydration supports cognitive function and mental clarity.
  • Improved Digestion: Drinking enough water helps with digestion and stops constipation.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

  • Healthy Skin: Drinking enough water helps keep skin soft and might reduce dryness and wrinkles.
  • Keeps Your Body Cool: Water helps keep your body cool, especially when it’s hot outside.
  • Joint Health: Drinking water helps keep your joints smooth and can make them hurt less.

Practical Hydration Tips for Seniors

1. Drink Throughout the Day

  • Aim to drink small amounts of water consistently throughout the day.
  • Carry a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated on the go.
  • Set reminders or establish a routine for drinking water regularly.

2. Check Your Urine Color

  • Look at the color of your pee to see if you’re drinking enough water. Light yellow to almost clear means you’re well-hydrated.
  • Dark yellow pee might mean you’re dehydrated and need to drink more water.

3. Include Hydrating Foods

  • Eats fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges.
  • Enjoy soups, broths, and hydrating snacks like yogurt or Jell-O.

4. Limit Dehydrating Beverages

  • Drink less soda and sugary drinks because they can make you thirsty.
  • Choose water, herbal teas, or watered-down fruit juices instead.

5. Be Mindful of Medications

  • Some medications may increase the risk of dehydration. Talk to a healthcare provider about changing the amount of fluid you drink.
  • Monitor any medication side effects that impact hydration levels.

By following these easy and helpful tips, seniors can make sure they drink enough water and enjoy the many benefits it brings. Remember, staying hydrated is important for staying healthy and feeling good at any age.

It’s your life. Live it your way.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. To see if you qualify, visit: welbehealth.com/contact

Explore our Coachella Valley WelbeHealth Center & Meet Some of our First PACE Participants. C/O KESQ

To learn more about our center, visit our location page – Coachella Valley

Online Safety for Seniors: Protect Yourself from Scams and Online Threats

In today’s digital world, seniors are more connected than ever before, but with this comes the risk of online scams and threats. It’s important for older adults to know common ways they are targeted by scammers so they can protect their information.

The Importance of Online Awareness

Staying informed about possible online dangers is important for online safely. By understanding how scammers work, older adults can protect themselves and their loved ones from falling victim to fraud and schemes.

Features and Benefits of Online Safety Awareness

  • Increased Security: Being aware of common online scams helps your ability to see and avoid potential threats, keeping your personal information secure.
  • Peace of Mind: By prepared with knowledge about online safety, you can browse the internet with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you are protected.
  • Empowerment: Understanding common online scams helps you control your online profile and make informed decisions when being online.

Common Online Scams Targeting Seniors

Seniors are often targeted by scammers because they feel that they are more likely to fall for their tricks. It is really important to recognize and avoid common online scams. Here are some common scams to watch out for:

  • Phishing Emails: Scammers send emails pretending to be from companies you know or interact with, asking you to click on bad links or provide personal information.
  • Tech Support Scams: Fraudsters act like tech support representatives, claiming your computer has a virus and requesting remote access or payment for fake services.
  • Romance Scams: Criminals develop online relationships with seniors to manipulate them emotionally and financially, often requesting money or gifts.
  • Lottery or Sweepstakes Scams: Scammers inform seniors they’ve won a lottery or sweepstake, asking for payment or personal details to claim the prize.
  • Fake Charities: Fraudulent charities target seniors with heart-wrenching stories, soliciting donations that never reach those in need.

Tips for Protecting Yourself Online

Protect yourself against online scams and fraud, by following these common tips:

  • Verify Sender Information: Be very careful of emails you did not begin and verify the sender’s identity before clicking any links.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal Information: Do not share sensitive information online unless you fully trust the source.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest online scams and learn about how to recognize and report fraudulent activity.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Create difficult passwords for your online accounts and turn on two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Seek Assistance: Be sure to ask for help from trusted family members or friends if you come across suspicious online behavior.

By staying aware of online dangers and being informed, seniors can enjoy the benefits of the internet while lowering the risks associated with online threats. Remember, knowledge is your best defense against cybercrime.

It’s your life. Live it your way.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. To see if you qualify, visit: welbehealth.com/contact

Exercise Tips for Arthritis Relief in Seniors

Arthritis can cause achy joints, especially as we get older. But did you know that doing exercises can actually help with the pain? Discover easy exercises for arthritis relief in seniors that can make your body stronger and lessen arthritis pain. These exercises are gentle and aimed at keeping you healthy and happy.

Why Exercise Matters for Arthritis Relief

  • Stay Limber: Exercises can help you move your joints more freely, making everyday tasks easier and reduce stiffness.
  • Build Strength: Strengthening your muscles can improve your balance and stability, lowering the risk of falls.
  • Pain Relief: Exercise triggers the release of natural painkillers in your body that might help with arthritis pain.

Enjoyable Exercises for Arthritis Management

1. Walking or Swimming

  • Both walking and swimming are low-impact activities that help reduce joint stress while increasing cardiovascular fitness, which help with arthritis.
    • Take easy walks or swim in a pool to exercise without straining your joints.

2. Light Resistance Training

  • Use light weights or resistance bands to enhance muscle strength without stressing your joints.
  • Focus on exercises targeting various muscle groups to support joint function and mobility.

3. Gentle Stretching Routine

  • Stretching exercises can improve joint flexibility and reduce stiffness in arthritic areas.
  • Include stretches for your arms, legs, back, and neck to maintain flexibility and prevent further joint issues.

Getting Started with Exercise

  • Start Slowly: Begin with short sessions of 10-15 minutes and slowly increase the time as you feel more comfortable.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain during an exercise, stop and talk to a healthcare provider. It’s important to exercise within your limits.
  • Consistency is Key: Try to do a mix of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises regularly to get the benefits of physical activity.

For additional guidance on creating an exercise plan made to your needs, think about consulting with a healthcare professional or a provider specializing in senior care.

Remember, senior arthritis exercise can significantly improve your symptoms and overall quality of life. With the right approach and commitment, you can lead a fulfilling and active lifestyle despite arthritis challenges.

Discover exceptional senior care with WelbeHealth! Our comprehensive resources and tailored services, including the innovative PACE program, are designed to support older adults in maintaining their well-being. Explore how we can help today!

Stroke Awareness

Strokes are one of the leading causes of disability and even death among seniors. Recognizing the signs early can decrease the risk of severe long-term effects and can help save a life. The following tips can help seniors in their community and their caregivers identify the common signs and symptoms of a stroke and what steps to follow when a stroke is suspected.

Understanding Strokes

A stroke occurs when there’s a blockage or a rupture in an artery leading to the brain. This pause in blood flow takes away the oxygen from the brain cells, causing them to die. The effects of a stroke depend on the area of the brain that’s affected; hence immediate medical intervention is critical to minimize brain damage.

The Common Signs of a Stroke

Remember the acronym B.E.F.A.S.T., as it outlines the major signs of a stroke:

  • Balance: Watch for a sudden loss of balance or coordination, which might indicate a stroke.
  • Eyes: Check for sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes, including blurred or double vision, which could be signs of a stroke.
  • Face Drooping: One side of the face may droop or be numb. Ask the person to smile. Is the smile uneven or lopsided?
  • Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm move downward?
  • Speech Difficulty: Is speech slurred, are they not able to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence.
  • Time to call 9-1-1: If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately.

It’s important to note the time when the first symptoms appeared. Some treatment options are most effective when given soon after a stroke begins.

What To Do If You Suspect a Stroke

  1. Call Emergency Services: Don’t hesitate to call for emergency medical assistance if you or someone you know shows any of the symptoms mentioned above.
  2. Check the Time: Note the time when the first symptoms appeared. Emergency medical personnel will need this information.
  3. Do Not Drive: Do not attempt to drive to the hospital. Wait for emergency personnel. They can begin life-saving treatment on the way to the emergency room.
  4. Follow Up With Care: After emergency treatment, follow-up care is essential to help with recovery and to manage any underlying conditions that contributed to the stroke.

Prevention: Reducing Your Risk of Stroke

While some risk factors for stroke can’t be controlled, such as age and family history, there are still many ways seniors can lower their risk:

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Stay physically active.
  • Control high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Follow your healthcare provider’s guidance on medication management and healthy living.

Strokes can be sudden and frightening, but knowing how to recognize the signs and respond quickly can make a significant difference in the outcome. By learning and being ready, older adults can keep themselves and their loved ones safer from the possibly very bad effects of strokes. Remember, every second counts, so act F.A.S.T.

We hope this guide helps guide you into recognizing and responding to strokes. If you found this post helpful, please consider sharing it with friends and family. Together, we can raise awareness and save lives.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. Here you are supported by a dedicated team that coordinates all your care needs. With access to highly skilled doctors, dentists, home care, physical therapy and much more, you are able to live a healthier, happier you. To learn if you qualify, visit our contact page or, call us directly at (888) 530-4415 | TTY 711.

Alcohol Awareness for Seniors: What You Need to Know

As we age, we often find ourselves looking back on the choices we make when it comes to our health and wellbeing. The role of alcohol in our lives deserves a closer look, especially for seniors. The effects of alcohol can change as we age, and awareness about these changes is important for keeping a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to shed light on alcohol awareness for seniors, insight, practical tips, and resources for making better decisions about alcohol use.

Understanding the Impact of Alcohol as We Age

As we get older, our bodies handle alcohol differently. Older adults might feel the effects of alcohol more because their bodies process it slower and they have less water in their bodies for the alcohol to spread out in. This means that even if they drink the same amount of alcohol as they did when they were younger, it can affect them more. This can raise the chances of falling down, having trouble remembering things, and causing problems with medications.

Risks of Alcohol Consumption in Seniors

1. Medication Interactions:

Many seniors are on one or more prescription medications. Alcohol can interact dangerously with medications, including but not limited to blood thinners, antidepressants, and even some over-the-counter pain relievers and allergy medicines. Mixing alcohol can lead to problems with the heart, liver, and the effectiveness of medications.

2. Chronic Conditions:

Alcohol can increase chronic conditions that are common in seniors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It’s important to understand how alcohol can affect these conditions and manage its use.

3. Cognitive Function:

There is evidence to suggest that excessive drinking can increase cognitive decline in older adults. Keeping alcohol consumption in check can help maintain cognitive health and reduce the risk of developing dementia-related conditions.

Tips for Safe Alcohol Consumption

1. Know Your Limits:

It’s important for seniors to reconsider their limits with alcohol and change them if necessary. This might mean drinking less than what was thought to the average.

2. Check Medication Labels:

Always read medication labels and consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist about possible interactions with alcohol.

3. Stay Hydrated:

Drinking water between alcoholic beverages can help manage the effects of alcohol and keep you hydrated.

4. Eat Beforehand:

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can increase its effects. Make sure to eat a healthy meal before drinking.

5. Socialize Safely:

Enjoy alcoholic beverages in social settings where support is available if needed. Drinking alone can increase the risk of falls or other accidents without immediate help available.

Resources for Support

If you or someone you know needs help managing alcohol consumption, there are numerous resources available:

Final Thoughts

Awareness is the first step toward making healthier choices about drinking alcohol, especially in our senior years. By understanding the changes that come with age, paying close attention to interactions with medications and health conditions, and following easy tips for moderation, seniors can enjoy a happier, healthier life with or without alcohol. Remember, it’s never too late to start making positive changes to your lifestyle.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. Here you are supported by a dedicated team that coordinates all your care needs. With access to highly skilled doctors, dentists, home care, physical therapy and much more, you are able to live a healthier, happier you. To learn if you qualify, visit our contact page or, call us directly at (888) 530-4415 | TTY 711.

a senior couple doing a puzzle

Staying Sharp: Everyday Cognitive Exercises for Seniors

As we age, staying sharp and keeping our brain in top shape becomes more important. Cognitive exercises are a bit like a workout for your brain — they keep the mental muscles flexible and strong. This is extra important for seniors who, all too often, do not have the same level of daily mental stimulation they enjoyed in their working years.

Here’s a list of easy and enjoyable daily cognitive exercises specific for seniors. These activities not only help keep the brain active but also provide a sense of accomplishment and joy. Engaging in such exercises can benefit cognitive functions, memory, processing speed, and could even reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

1. Puzzle Mania

Puzzles are an excellent way for seniors to improve their cognitive skills. Jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, crosswords, and word searches are all fantastic for stimulating problem-solving and logic. Here are a few specific ideas to get started:

  • Jigsaw Puzzles: These exercises in spatial awareness and pattern recognition can be done alone or with a friend, making them great for alone time or social bonding.
  • Sudoku and Crosswords: These numerical and linguistic puzzles challenge different parts of the brain and can be found in newspapers or books, providing a daily activity that’s as engaging as it is portable.
  • Word Search: A word search puzzle can be a fun way to improve cognitive functions related to language processing and attention to detail.

2. Learn Something New

Continuous learning is key to keeping the brain agile, and it’s never too late to pick up a new hobby or skill. For seniors, this could be learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or taking up a craft like knitting or woodworking.

  • Language Learning: Online language apps offer courses specific for all ages, giving bite-sized lessons that can be done at your own pace.
  • Music Lessons: Learning to play a new instrument not only exercises the memory and spatial-temporal skills, but it’s also a wonderful way to express creativity.
  • Crafting: Hobbies like knitting and woodworking involve complex, multistep processes that keep the mind focused and engaged.

3. Memory March

Engaging in a daily activity that requires memorization can significantly enhance cognitive abilities, specifically memory and recall.

  • Memorize a Poem or Speech: Select a favorite piece or a short, inspiring speech and try to commit it to memory, repeating it daily to strengthen your retention.
  • Recall a Day’s Schedule: Try to remember the day’s activities and appointments without looking at your calendar. This is a practical way to sharpen your short-term memory.
  • Remembering Names: Practice associating names with faces and objects to improve recall in social settings, a small but useful exercise that pays dividends in real-world situations.

4. Stay Social

Fostering social connections is a cognitive exercise often overlooked. Having a deep conversation and keeping relationships can help prevent loneliness and keep quick thinking at its best.

  • Senior Centers and Community Groups: Joining a local group or activity can provide a daily dose of social interaction.
  • Networking Online: Social media platforms can be used in a positive, moderated way to keep in touch with family and friends or to connect with like-minded people across the globe.
  • Volunteering: Becoming a volunteer gives you a big sense of purpose and gives you more social opportunities.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mental exercises focused on mindfulness and meditation have been associated with positive cognitive outcomes, specific to attention and focus.

  • Daily Reflection: Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and reflect, considering thoughts and feelings without judgment, simply observing them.
  • Guided Meditation: Use apps or audio recordings to guide you through meditation sessions specific to seniors, incorporating calming breathwork.
  • Yoga: Practicing yoga can be a form of moving meditation and offers the added benefit of physical exercise, which is also crucial for overall cognitive health.

By adding these cognitive exercises into your daily routine, you can work ahead of time to keep and even improve your mental sharpness as you age. It’s never too late to start, and there are many benefits, leading to a a happier and improved life.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. Here you are supported by a dedicated team that coordinates all your care needs. With access to highly skilled doctors, dentists, home care, physical therapy and much more, you are able to live a healthier, happier you. To learn if you qualify, visit our contact page or, call us directly at (888) 530-4415 | TTY 711.

Top 5 Fibrous Foods for Seniors

As we age, our bodies require different nutrients to maintain optimal health. One important nutrient that becomes even more crucial for seniors is fiber. Fiber helps with digestion, keeps us feeling full longer, and can even help lower the risk of chronic diseases.

What Are Fibrous Foods?

Before we dive into the top 5 fibrous foods for seniors, let’s first understand what fibrous foods are. Simply put, these are foods that contain a high amount of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for our digestive system as it helps to regulate bowel movements and keep us feeling full. It also plays a role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar control.

Top 5 Fibrous Foods for Seniors

  1. Avocados: These creamy fruits are not only delicious but also packed with fiber. Just one avocado contains around 10 grams of fiber, making it a great addition to your diet. You can add avocados to salads, sandwiches, or even use them as a spread on toast. They also serve as an excellent substitute for mayonnaise.
  2. Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries – take your pick! These sweet and juicy fruits are not only high in fiber but also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. You can enjoy them as a snack or add them to your breakfast cereal or yogurt for an extra boost of fiber.
  3. Beans and legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans – these are all excellent sources of fiber. They are also a great alternative to meat as they provide protein and other essential nutrients. You can add beans and legumes to soups, stews, or make them into dips like hummus.
  4. Whole grains: Switching from refined grains to whole grains is a simple way to increase your fiber intake. Whole grains include foods like brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and quinoa. These options are not only high in fiber but also provide other important nutrients like B vitamins and iron.
  5. Dark leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and collard greens – these leafy vegetables are not only low in calories but also high in fiber. You can eat them raw in salads, or add them to cooked dishes like soups and stir-fries. They are also a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Incorporating These Foods Into Your Diet

Now that you know the top 5 fibrous foods for seniors, it’s time to incorporate them into your diet. Start by adding one of these foods to each meal. For example, have avocado toast for breakfast, a bean and vegetable soup for lunch, and a side of dark leafy greens with dinner. You can also try new recipes that include these fibrous foods or experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.

The Benefits of a Fibrous Diet

Not only will incorporating these top 5 fibrous foods into your diet help with digestion and keeping you feeling full, but it also has other benefits for seniors. A fibrous diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and even improve your overall mood. So why wait? Start incorporating these foods into your diet today and feel the difference in your health. Remember, it’s never too late to take care of yourself and prioritize your health. Your body will thank you for it.

Hungry for more tips on healthy eating? Check out our other blog posts for more advice and recipes.

It’s your life. Live it your way.

WelbeHealth provides full-service healthcare and personalized support to help you age well at home and in your community. Our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) meets the changing needs of seniors, often at no cost. To see if you qualify, visit: welbehealth.com/contact

WelbeHealth Announces New Chief Operating Officer

WelbeHealth, a physician-led senior health services provider, is proud to announce the appointment of Becca Miller Rose as its Chief Operating Officer. The new role underscores WelbeHealth’s commitment to quality and care excellence as it continues to grow its Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) with the expertise of industry-leading talent.

“Becca’s extensive experience leading operations of value-based community health services for seniors makes her uniquely qualified to advance WelbeHealth’s PACE program and mission of serving the most vulnerable seniors with better quality and compassion,” said Matt Patterson, M.D., President of WelbeHealth.”

As COO, Rose will partner with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Le, who she previously worked with at Landmark Health, to lead WelbeHealth’s PACE operations, delivering community-based services across beautiful center locations and in the home and leveraging WelbeHealth’s proprietary tech-enabled care delivery processes. She will ensure consistent, high-quality care and service excellence as the organization expands access to seniors who need PACE.

Rose is a seasoned healthcare operations leader, most recently serving as COO of the Optum Home-Based Medical Care business. She joined Optum as part of its acquisition of Landmark Health, the nation’s largest provider of in-home value-based care. Rose oversaw tremendous growth in the organization’s scalable national service capacity for frail senior populations.

“Through my professional roles as well as personal experience serving hospice patients, I understand the needs of seniors and their family caregivers for higher quality community-based care,” said Becca Miller Rose. “I am excited to address these needs for our most vulnerable populations through expanding access to PACE as WelbeHealth’s operational leader.”

The PACE model consistently delivers exceptional health outcomes and cost-effectiveness through comprehensive health and supportive services for seniors. PACE has demonstrated a 24% reduction in hospitalizations, an 80% improvement in depression scores, and a one-third increase in life expectancy compared with nursing homes. Alongside these health advantages, PACE delivers cost savings to taxpayers amounting to $10,000 per participant annually.

WelbeHealth is expanding its footprint and ensuring that more seniors have access to the exceptional health outcomes and the cost-effectiveness that PACE provides. This commitment is evident in recent leadership appointments and the openings of new centers in San Jose, Rosemead, and North Hollywood.

About WelbeHealth

WelbeHealth is a physician-led public benefit company founded in 2015 that provides comprehensive health care services for seniors through a fully integrated program that includes all medical and dental care, physical and occupational therapy, transportation to medical appointments, meals, and personal care services. WelbeHealth addresses social determinants of health to keep the most vulnerable seniors living safely in their own homes. Services are delivered through the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), a national Medicare and Medicaid program.

CONTACT: Katie Groenke, welbehealth@berlinrosen.com
Angharad Bhardwaj, Angharad.Bhardwaj@welbehealth.com